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Thursday, August 4, 2011

EXTRA, EXTRA, Read all about it!

Oh my goodness, I'm 4 days late!  I feel like the Mad Hatter, running around so excited.  "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!"  The new Autumn/Winter 2011 Idea Book is live online!  There are soooo many goodies I don't know where to start.

This is just the tip of the iceberg people!

    Get a load of the Stamp of the Month for August  ... what do you think?  Awesome, right?  This should be enough to get you ready to book a gathering with me.  What if I told you that you could get $40 in free product plus select any one item in the IB for 50% off?  All that for as little as $250 in sales, yes that does include your order!

The kids are starting back to school, and I know some of you have pictures you want to share from your vacation and/or staycation.  Invite a couple of friends over to join us for some fun and I guarantee I'll make them laugh ... (that's good medicine you know) ... and find your creative side.  It's just that easy. 

You'll walk away with a completed project and ideas for some handmade gifts for family, friends, teachers, and those special people in your life.  And an extra special gift, just for you, for hosting the party!

Hurry, let's get it on the calendar soon.